LIT Youth Summit 2024

Please be praying for our Youth Leaders and our Youth as they prepare for this three day summit. Come support our youth on Sunday, the 22nd, as they lead our Worship service and the Lord's Supper. We will have our Lord's Supper Luncheon following worship service, please join us, For more information contact Tom & […]

OCC Prayer Walk

Come join us for prayer walk at the church for Operation Christmas Child. Contact LaDonna for more information at 443-243-0557.

OCC Packing Party

Join us for a packing party for Operation Christmas Child following the worship service on November 17th.

OCC Collection Week

Our church is a drop-off location for these OCC boxes. We need volunteers to sign-up to help with this. There is a Volunteer Sign Up Sheet on the front bulletin board.

Christmas Decorating Party

First Baptist Church of Aberdeen 219 E Bel Air Avenue, Aberdeen, MD, United States

Come join us as we decorate the church for the Christmas season. A meal will be provided before decorating.

Christmas Parade

We will be participating at the Aberdeen Christmas Parade. There is a sign up sheet in the front foyer bulletin board.